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Hell's Crew Is Back With A Vengeance!

The Queen of Hell, Lillith is here with a friend of hers who is a Succubus. Of course, they are both rocking some iconic makeup that will possess you and entice you! Are you ready? Doubt it!


Hell's Queen, wife of Lucifer is rocking iconic demonic tribal markings alongside her favourite colour - red! I decided to explore a new style of makeup with this one - tribal makeup. This style involves symmetry, lines and shapes and is mainly worn during rituals or used to signify a member of the tribe's social standing.


Succubi are demons who disguise themselves as seductive and beautiful women. Without a doubt, their favourite meal is, of course, the soul of the man they seduce. With this look, I went with 2 half looks to show the duality of the Succubus - from soul-hungry demon to stunning temptress! Apart from just doing 2 different lips and eyes I also used different bases. The demon side is fairer with very dark contour while the glammed-up side is tanned and contoured to look like a bronzed queen!

They are now both on their way back to Hell but I hope you LIVVVED for their looks! Maybe Heaven's Crew is next up… Who knows?! Anyways, hope you enjoyed today's blog post and see you next Saturday!

Sandy hugs and salty kisses,

Neville xx

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